
The new enemy of the X-Men is… `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`?

The new enemy of the X-Men is... `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`? 1

The new enemy of the X-Men is… `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`?

As you know, mutants have just gone through a period of severe crisis.

But a rival organization is not everything.

This story begins in X-Men (2019) #3, when a group of four people called the Hordeculture invade the Krakoa flower farm through mutant-only gates.

The new enemy of the X-Men is... `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`?

Soon after, they calmly stole this precious plant until facing three powerful mutants, Cyclops, Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw.

As for Cyclops and Optic Blast, it’s even worse.

The new enemy of the X-Men is... `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`?

Turns out, they were originally botanists who wanted to return green to the Earth with many years of experience in the field of biotechnology.

From there, they hope to begin a plan to control the world’s food resources in the next 10 years, as well as reduce global population.

The new enemy of the X-Men is... `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`?

However, the appearance of the mutant country of Krakoa along with its developed ecosystem became the seed that destroyed Hordeculture’s plans.

However, what is the reason why the Krakoa gates, which were only for mutants, are now suddenly easily penetrated?

The new enemy of the X-Men is... `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`?

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The new enemy of the X-Men is... `The Association of Elderly People Who Love Bonsai`?

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